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Personal Healings

We offer a wide range of healing services for every need.

“We can’t become what we want by remaining what we are.”

Max DePree

What are


We live in 3rd Dimension where we feel ‘Physical Pain’ and have the impression that what we see is reality. Actually, the reality is something different than we see or observe in daily life. Forth dimension is the state of mind which we realize in dreams and start recollecting whatever we have dreamt off.

5th Dimension is the spiritual Dimension. The frequency of 5th Dimension is higher than 3rd Dimension. We can call it the higher level of thought form or the plane of consciousness i.e. we experience ‘Oneness’ and ‘Unity’ of consciousness. When we reach 5th Dimension the fear, need of safety and ‘lack of Trust’ no longer exists. The ‘old polarities’ now ‘blend together’ in harmony and operate only from ‘Inner Guidance or Intuition’. When we ascend from 3rd Dimension to 5th Dimension we achieve the Dimension of ‘Spirituality’ from the Dimension of ‘rationality’. The changes we experience in the 5th Dimension teaches us to respond wisely instead of reacting impulsively.

Here is the list of

Energy Healings

which can be done for individuals

We use healing modalities like Reiki Healing, Lama Fera, Akashik Records & Magnified Healing as per individual needs. Sometimes, an individual only requires Name alignment which we do with Numerology.

Inner Child Healing

Inner child healing is a therapeutic approach that helps people recognize and heal childhood trauma.

Boon Healing

Boon healing is done for females who need help with conception issues.

Soul Healing

Soul healing is an energy healing system that works at the soul level. It has a powerful and direct impact on your life.

Light Body Activation

Our soul gets attached to many things in our soul journey. We help individuals to detach from these things which inturn Activate their light body.

Chakra Activation

Through the process of energy healing we “balance the Chakras” which in turn results in contentment in personal aspects and enhances personal & professional achievements.

Ancestral Healing

This healing helps to resolve Ancestral Patterns, like, Pitra Dosh or any other Ancestral Karma.

DNA Activation

The performance, achievement, or satisfaction in life would be of the utmost level if the DNA of the individual is active. Through the process of energy healing, we activate the DNA of the individual.

Relationship Healing

Every Relationship goes through rough phases in life which result in damaging bonding between people. Get healing to restore the love you have lost.

Karmik Healing

Karma plays a vital role in shaping your present & future. We help you release the karmic baggage you carry for lifetimes.

Career & Education

This is helpful when a child needs help with studies or anyone who needs help with job or career issues.

Health Healing

Health healing includes healing for various physical issues.

Emotional Healing

Every trauma breaks people, which takes a toll on their Emotional well-being. Get healing to restore those emotions that have been lost in this journey of life.

Calcium Stimulation

Calcium is important in the physical health of the individual.  Through the process of energy healing we “Stimulate Calcium Content” after which energy level gets enhanced.

Financial Healing

Get help if you have think that there are many blockages in you finances.

Sensitize, Rewire & Awaken the Nervous System

Through the process of energy healing we “Sensitize, Rewire & Awaken the Nervous System” which in turn results in the improvement of individual health.